The choir had been very happy about the invitation of the Elisabeth Church to the Passion Concert. After all, conquering a new concert venue is an exciting affair. However, a thorough check of the local conditions revealed that the space conditions for a choir, the quartet of soloists and a larger orchestra were not favourable by any stretch of the imagination. The folding rule we brought with us and various chair constellations were clear: unfortunately, large-scale oratorio performances pose serious problems in this church. Even borrowing and transporting choir platforms, without which it would not have been possible to set up the choir reasonably, proved to be a greater hurdle than originally assumed. No one who plans concert events likes such logistical challenges, but an unexpected solution emerged for our traditional Palm Sunday concert.
Luck of the draw
The Leonhardskirche was still free on exactly this concert date! After our so successful Christmas concert in this ideal concert church, we didn’t have to think twice. Our big Passion concert with Dvorak’s “Stabat Mater” will now alsotake place in the Leonhardskirche.